How Many? by Ron Van Der Meer

How Many? by Ron Van Der Meer

We’ve added some wonderful books to our collection recently and I can’t wait to share them all with you here. The first up is a spectacular pop up book called How Many? by Ron Van Der Meer. Just take a look at these!

How Many? Pop-up book by Ron Van Der Meer

It’s a counting book with only 5 pages, but I was surprised to find tons of questions on each page that turn this counting book into a very challenging and thought provoking book for children. How many squares overlap? If the square has a border, does that count as another square? If you tilt the book, do the squares change shape? Do those shapes count? etc etc.

How Many? Pop-up book by Ron Van Der Meer

I found this quote from the author very amusing! ‘… with my Dutch Calvinistic upbringing I still felt the urge that enjoyment comes with a price, hence the questions that I reckon will drive people insane, or at least start a massive debate in the family.’ So, enjoy the delightful visual surprise when you open the book, but beware the brain squeezing challenging math questions. The author says it’s paying a price, but I’d say it’s a win-win!

How Many? Pop-up book by Ron Van Der Meer

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