Paper weaving is a classic craft that turns everyday paper into a flexible textile with so much potential. Simple weaving craft is great for practicing hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills. You can add math activities, color mixing, pattern making and many more creative ideas. Here are some brilliant projects for inspiration.
Paper Matrix is a wonderful blog dedicated to the fun of paper weaving where 2 ladies from Copenhagen take the tradition of Danish woven paper ornaments and explore its rich potential. You can find templates and instructions on how to make paper balloons, spheres, many geometric shapes as well as traditional woven heart baskets and domes.
Fun Crafts!
You can also create fun graphics as well as 3d forms using the weaving process. Mini-eco makes simple and effective use of pixel-like woven grids and created this easy and cute weaving project kids will love.
I also love this woven paper gift wrap. Simple and pretty!
You can also weave a few strips into balls! Check out this woven balls garland from How About Orange.
The structure of woven paper really invites you to play with the flexible nature of it. Unlike most fabric textiles, woven paper has extra tension and strength as well, determined by the width and thickness of the paper used .
I like artist Joell Baxter‘s woven paper sculptures where she creates forms using this balance between flexibility and tension, and of course there’s potential for criss-crossing many rainbow colors!
I hope this inspires you to create some paper weaving projects!
OMG! How crazy and cool to see so many different ways to use paper weaving! I love the hot air balloon! And I’m blown away by Joell Baxter’s paper sculptures!
They are nice, aren’t they! ^ ^
This is oh my god! very very beautfull =D
Glad you like them!