Portuguese Alphabet Flash Cards

Our lovely reader Francianne Assis from Brazil kindly sent us these Portuguese words for alphabet flash cards and we're very happy to share the results! Especially with all of you who've been asking for them. Enjoy!

Children will enjoy learning foreign words combined with cultural discoveries so even if Portuguese is not your first language, we hope everyone will enjoy these cards with various multilingual activities and play ideas.
We learned that the Portuguese alphabet didn’t originally include k,w, y and so this set includes those in letters only cards.

The set includes words:
abelha, bicicleta, cachorro, dinossauro, elefante, flor, gato, hipopótamo, igreja, jacaré, laranja, macaco, ninho, ovo, polvo, queijo, robô, sapato, trem, uva, violino, xícara, zebra


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