Monthters are our friendly monthly monsters. Each printable monthly calendar comes in the form of a cute monster that folds to a small pocket size and stretches to a long monthly calendar, with days you can write on and fill in.
January Monthter
‘Jan’ is a little blue monster for January. The first born of our monster printable monthly calendar series.

February Monthter
‘Feb’ is an one eyed purple monster for February.
Ask the January Monthter below about how to make it.

March Monthter
What’s friendly, bright green with blue spots all over? Of course it’s ‘Mar’, our Monthter for March!

April Monthter
Here comes Apr – our April Monthter. We usually pronounce her name wrong but she doesn’t mind.
The Sun’s out and the days are getting longer and warmer, so Apr is finally out of hibernation. She wants to be a scary monster but is just too soft and cute for that…. oh and her favorite flowers are daffodils.

May Monthter
May is born – our May Monthter is a flower monster who sleeps in a flower bed and eats flowers. When you see the top of her head in the flower bed, you might mistake her as a flower and sometimes butterflies think the same and sit on her head. But they are not so scared of her ’cause May doesn’t eat butterflies!

June Monthter
Take the plunge to meet ‘Jun’ – he’s our June Monthter who lives under the sea. He may look like a sort of shark, but Jun and his family are proud of being their own species – underwater Monthters. Jun’s favorite activity is collecting sea weeds.

July Monthter
Summer monthter ‘Jul’ is here. With many googly eyes and smiley face, he’s always looking out for friends to play with. He loves bouncing into the water and splashing about! Have a great July with our Jul!

August Monthter
‘Aug’ is not any usual ogre, but a special August Monthter. She likes licking vanilla ice cream just like you! When she stretches out fully she’s very very tall.

September Monthter
Dare we say it but the first signs of Autumn are in the air, and out pops ‘Sep’, the September Monthter with huge bug eyes.

October Monthter
‘Oct’, our October Monthter is a hairy type of monster with a bushy fringe always covering the only eye he has. (We know a baby who looks exactly like this!)
Oct loves everything about autumn and collecting colorful leaves is his favorite thing. He’s really looking forward to Halloween when he can hang out with all his monster friends!

November Monthter
Brrrrr…. our November Monthter ‘Nov’ may belong to the reptile family (with his scaly skin), but being a monster, he is quite unlike any reptile! He loves going out in the cold and thinks winter’s a great season, as long as you’re wrapped up warm in a scarf, mittens and nice boots – which he never forgets to put on! Today he’s wearing his favorite yellow monster paw mittens.

December Monthter
Please welcome our ‘Dec’ – a December monthter! He lives in the big fir trees and he is always seen decorating the trees with little things he finds in the forest. If you drop a button or hair pin in the forest, the chances are that they’ll end up dangling in Dec’s trees. If you happen to meet him, his favorite subject to talk about is … the art of tree decoration! He’s always looking for new ideas – have you any tips for him?

How to make
Cut the center line only first. Now score the dotted lines with an empty ball point pen for easy folding before you cut all the strips.
Cut all 4 strips, glue them to make one continuous strip. Use a ruler to keep them straight.
Start with a ‘mountain fold’ where the number 1 starts. Fold the rest to make the concertina.
Use a small rubber band if you want to keep them folded.